
Mirabell Meaning & Origin

About Mirabell
The name Mirabell is of Latin origin and has multiple meanings. It is derived from the Latin words "mira," meaning "wonderful" or "admirable," and "bellus," meaning "beautiful." Therefore, the name Mirabell can be interpreted as "wonderful beauty" or "admirable beauty." It is often used as a feminine given name and conveys a sense of charm, elegance, and grace.

🌍 Origin
Name Variations
📏 Name Length
💬 Number of Syllables
🔠 Starting Letter

Name Popularity

Gender Distribution

Most individuals with the name Mirabell are female.

Mirabell Popularity Trends

The popularity of the name Mirabell has increased by 80% over the past year.


Numerology can provide insights into the meaning and significance of the name Mirabell. Each number in numerology has unique meaning and symbolism associated with it, and these numbers can offer valuable information about personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life paths.

🎭 Expression Number: 9
Your number is one of humanitarianism and compassion. You are deeply connected to the emotional and spiritual well-being of others. Your life path is dedicated to service, often on a global scale. You possess a deep understanding of the world and a genuine empathy for people, driving you to make impactful changes in society.
👤 Personality Number: 3
You come across as creative, social, and communicative. Known for your charm and charisma, you are seen as optimistic and fun-loving. Your artistic and expressive nature is evident in your interactions, making you the life of the party and an engaging conversationalist.
❤️ Soul Number: 6
Your soul is nurturing and caring, with a deep need to care for and protect others. You are driven by a sense of responsibility and a desire for harmony in relationships. Your inner self is compassionate and empathetic, often finding fulfillment in offering support and guidance to others.
🧱 Cornerstone Number: 4
You are practical, reliable, and hard-working. You approach life with a methodical and disciplined mindset. Your organizational skills are strong, and you prefer stability and structure in your endeavors, often providing a solid foundation for yourself and others.
🏆 Capstone Number: 3
Your completion of projects is marked by creativity and effective communication. You bring an optimistic and artistic touch to endings, often leaving a memorable impression due to your charismatic and lively approach.
🌟 First Vowel Number: 9
Your inner world is introspective and thoughtful. You seek deeper meanings and connections in life. You have a strong intuition and often rely on your inner wisdom and insights. Your approach to life is reflective, valuing inner understanding and growth.


📇 Metaphone
🔊 Soundex
🎵 Syllabic Pronunciation
🔊 Double Metaphone
('MRPL', '')
🈯 Cross-Lingual Phonetic

Accessibility & Communication

Braille Representation

Here's how to represent the name "Mirabell" using braille for the visually impaired.

Braille representation of Mirabell

Sign Language Hand Signs

Using the sign language hand symbols below, you can sign the name "Mirabell."

Sign language representation of Mirabell