
Neal Meaning & Origin

About Neal
The surname Neal is of Irish and Scottish origin, derived from the Gaelic name Niall, meaning "champion" or "cloud." It is a patronymic surname, indicating that it was originally used to identify the descendants of someone named Niall. The name has variations such as Neil, O'Neal, and O'Neill, and has been anglicized over time. The surname Neal is fairly common in Ireland and Scotland, and has spread to other English-speaking countries through migration and immigration.

🌍 Origin
📏 Surname Length
💬 Number of Syllables
🔠 Starting Letter


Surname Popularity by Ethnicity

The surname Neal holds a prominent position in our records, ranking within the top 500. Here's an in-depth look at its popularity and demographic spread:

  • Number of People with the name Neal: 91,694
  • Overall Popularity: 0.03%
  • Ranking: 337
  • Frequency per 100k people: 31.08

Below is the ethnic distribution of the surname Neal based on recent US Census records. This is a brief glimpse into the diverse backgrounds of people carrying this surname.

Ranking information for the surname Neal is not currently available.


🎭 Expression Number: 5
You are a dynamic individual, thriving on freedom and adventure. Your life path is marked by versatility and a love for new experiences. Adaptable and curious, you are not afraid to take risks. Your energetic nature leads you to diverse paths and experiences, making your life an exciting journey.
👤 Personality Number: 8
You exude ambition and a sense of authority. Your business acumen and goal-oriented nature are apparent. People perceive you as powerful and capable, respecting your determination and resilience in the face of challenges.
❤️ Soul Number: 6
Your soul is nurturing and caring, with a deep need to care for and protect others. You are driven by a sense of responsibility and a desire for harmony in relationships. Your inner self is compassionate and empathetic, often finding fulfillment in offering support and guidance to others.
🧱 Cornerstone Number: 5
You embody adaptability and curiosity. Your approach to life is adventurous and flexible, with a constant desire for change and new experiences. You are resourceful and versatile, often thriving in dynamic and evolving environments.
🏆 Capstone Number: 3
Your completion of projects is marked by creativity and effective communication. You bring an optimistic and artistic touch to endings, often leaving a memorable impression due to your charismatic and lively approach.
🌟 First Vowel Number: 5
You have an innate curiosity and a desire for knowledge. Communication and social interactions are important to you. You approach life with a sense of openness and versatility, always ready to explore new ideas and engage in intellectual pursuits.


📇 Metaphone
🔊 Soundex
🎵 Syllabic Pronunciation
🔊 Double Metaphone
('NL', '')
🈯 Cross-Lingual Phonetic

Accessibility & Communication

Braille Representation

Here's how to represent the name "Neal" using braille for the visually impaired.

Braille representation of Neal

Sign Language Hand Signs

Using the sign language hand symbols below, you can sign the name "Neal."

Sign language representation of Neal