
Powell Meaning & Origin

About Powell
The surname Powell is of Welsh origin and is derived from the personal name Hywel, which means "eminent" or "prominent." It is a patronymic surname, indicating that it was originally used to identify the descendants of someone named Hywel. Over time, the name evolved into Powell, and it has been widely used in Wales and among Welsh communities. The surname Powell signifies a connection to Welsh heritage and the prominence or eminence associated with the personal name Hywel.

🌍 Origin
📏 Surname Length
💬 Number of Syllables
🔠 Starting Letter


Surname Popularity by Ethnicity

The surname Powell holds a prominent position in our records, ranking within the top 500. Here's an in-depth look at its popularity and demographic spread:

  • Number of People with the name Powell: 224,874
  • Overall Popularity: 0.08%
  • Ranking: 101
  • Frequency per 100k people: 76.23

Below is the ethnic distribution of the surname Powell based on recent US Census records. This is a brief glimpse into the diverse backgrounds of people carrying this surname.

Ranking information for the surname Powell is not currently available.


🎭 Expression Number: 11
You embody heightened intuition and spiritual insight. Capable of inspiring and leading through visionary perspectives, your path is marked by enlightenment and an innate understanding of the deeper aspects of life and human connections.
👤 Personality Number: 9
Your compassionate and humanitarian traits are prominent. You are seen as empathetic and caring, with a deep connection to the emotional and spiritual well-being of others. Your global perspective and altruistic nature are admired by those around you.
❤️ Soul Number: 11
You have a deep yearning for spiritual connection and enlightenment, intuitively attuned to the higher aspects of life and seeking to understand and embrace inner wisdom and psychic abilities.
🧱 Cornerstone Number: 7
Your approach to life is introspective and analytical. You seek knowledge and understanding, often preferring solitude and quiet reflection. Your thoughtful and inquisitive nature leads you to explore the deeper aspects of life and spirituality.
🏆 Capstone Number: 3
Your completion of projects is marked by creativity and effective communication. You bring an optimistic and artistic touch to endings, often leaving a memorable impression due to your charismatic and lively approach.
🌟 First Vowel Number: 6
You are oriented towards stability and reliability. Your approach to life is practical and grounded. You value honesty and integrity, often seeking to build strong foundations in both personal and professional relationships. You strive for security and consistency.


📇 Metaphone
🔊 Soundex
🎵 Syllabic Pronunciation
🔊 Double Metaphone
('PL', '')
🈯 Cross-Lingual Phonetic

Accessibility & Communication

Braille Representation

Here's how to represent the name "Powell" using braille for the visually impaired.

Braille representation of Powell

Sign Language Hand Signs

Using the sign language hand symbols below, you can sign the name "Powell."

Sign language representation of Powell