
Price Meaning & Origin

About Price
The surname Price is of Welsh origin and is derived from the Welsh word "ap Rhys," meaning "son of Rhys." Rhys is a personal name that was popular in Wales, and the prefix "ap" indicates "son of." Over time, "ap Rhys" evolved into the surname Price. The name is commonly found in Wales and has spread to other English-speaking countries through migration.

🌍 Origin
📏 Surname Length
💬 Number of Syllables
🔠 Starting Letter
🌟 Popularity


Surname Popularity by Ethnicity

The surname Price is among the top 100 most popular surnames, indicating a significant presence in our records. Below is a detailed analysis of its distribution and trends:

  • Number of People with the name Price: 235,251
  • Overall Popularity: 0.09%
  • Ranking: 91
  • Frequency per 100k people: 79.75

Below is the ethnic distribution of the surname Price based on recent US Census records. This is a brief glimpse into the diverse backgrounds of people carrying this surname.

Ranking information for the surname Price is not currently available.


🎭 Expression Number: 33
You are the Master Teacher, embodying compassion, altruism, and a deep understanding of the human spirit. Your life's purpose revolves around enlightening and healing others, using your exceptional empathetic abilities to positively impact the world.
👤 Personality Number: 1
You present yourself as a leader and innovator. Your appearance to others is one of confidence and initiative. People see you as independent, strong-willed, and determined, often taking the lead in situations. You have a commanding presence that draws attention.
❤️ Soul Number: 5
Adventure and freedom are the cravings of your soul. You have an inner desire for variety, change, and new experiences. Your soul is curious and adaptable, always seeking to explore new horizons and embrace the unexpected. Freedom is essential to your inner happiness and growth.
🧱 Cornerstone Number: 7
Your approach to life is introspective and analytical. You seek knowledge and understanding, often preferring solitude and quiet reflection. Your thoughtful and inquisitive nature leads you to explore the deeper aspects of life and spirituality.
🏆 Capstone Number: 5
You complete tasks with versatility and adaptability, often incorporating changes and new methods at the end of processes. Your approach is dynamic and innovative, ready to tackle unexpected challenges with enthusiasm and resourcefulness.
🌟 First Vowel Number: 9
Your inner world is introspective and thoughtful. You seek deeper meanings and connections in life. You have a strong intuition and often rely on your inner wisdom and insights. Your approach to life is reflective, valuing inner understanding and growth.


📇 Metaphone
🔊 Soundex
🎵 Syllabic Pronunciation
🔊 Double Metaphone
('PRS', '')
🈯 Cross-Lingual Phonetic

Accessibility & Communication

Braille Representation

Here's how to represent the name "Price" using braille for the visually impaired.

Braille representation of Price

Sign Language Hand Signs

Using the sign language hand symbols below, you can sign the name "Price."

Sign language representation of Price